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Important Contact numbers in Popoyo town

Here there are a few important numbers that you maybe need while you are in Popoyo surf town :

Rivas and Tola Police Station : 89714594 / 78398261 / 82672962 /58623686 .

Police station in Popoyo : LINK HERE TO VIEW LOCATION

They dont have phone numbers in the web but you can call the main offices in Tola and Rivas police station and ask to comunicate with Las Salinas police station if you need it,

Emergency : Call 128 for any emergency you have.

Hospital Tola and Rivas : 25633301 / 2563 4879 / 2563 3615 / 2563 3703

Taxis in town :

Dan 77432132

William 83758722

Pizzerias with delivery :

Viento Este ,Guasacate : 87830493

Calabria , Santana : 83927368

Mad dog : 75479784 / 87599584

The bread guy Santiago "el pan del pueblo" : wapp +505 77843115 . He will bring the bread to your location for free.

Veggies and fruits truck : Nico is his name. Wapp +505 87667892. They will bring the products to your location for free . Ask the day they are coming and make your order.

Water bottel / gas / basic products delivery :Wapp +505 85994050 .

His name is Dieter . They will bring for free some of this products .

How to find any other contact number you need ?

By Facebook: Popoyo social .

Send a message and for sure someone is going to reply with information.


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